Page 346 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
P. 346
access to Internet, and hence to the digital world. It is inhuman that, if devices are available
to access the digital world, this is not possible for important sectors of the population—a
quarter of the population of Latin America in 2015— due to insufficient economic resources.
It is inhuman that, in the case of having access to the digital world, there is a population that
does not have the multimedia literacy skills necessary to benefit of it, due to the lack of
educational conditions or major deficiencies in their educational process—remember that
Latin America ranked last in the PISA 2015 international tests [14].
Digital technology involves a significant transformation of the living environment and the
human beings who access it—and even of those who do not access it, because of its side
effects. Today we can interact in real time with people from the other side of the world, share
information without loss (neither of information by those who share nor of information
quality by those who receive it), cooperate and collaborate on projects at the local and global
level, express ourselves in multimedia and make our voice heard throughout the world, easily
access the largest source of information ever built and contribute to its growth, as well as
designing how that information will be processed, automatically, by the environment.
We can then listen to the voices that call us to entrepreneurship and put as examples
individuals who have accumulated great wealth thanks to the development and exploitation
of digital technology; the voices that tell us about the importance of patrimonial rights over
intellectual and digital products and the importance of imposing artificial barriers to their
access in order to defend them, despite the educational benefits and dissemination of
knowledge that other conditions could generate; the voices that tell us about the dangers of
diversity and the lack of hierarchy and centralized control, about the importance of closing