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In the present research —carried out at the University Center of Social Sciences and Humani-
ties (CUCSH) of the University of Guadalajara, in Jalisco, Mexico— the results corresponding
to the process of ICT implementation into the curricula by the teachers of undergraduate level
ware analyzed. This work is part of a doctoral thesis, in which one of its dimensions focuses
in the analysis of the way that the ICT process has been developed at the CUCSH Center,
that is, how the institution has projected the implementation of the ICT infrastructure in the Y LA PRÁCTICA
spaces where teachers work, as well as the strategies that the institution has stablished as a
policy of collegiate work for the conformation of curriculum content of the university center. For
this analysis, teachers, presidents of academic work and bachelor’s degree coordinators were
interviewed in order to know how the ICT are integrated throughout the design and curricula
development in the study programs, as well as for the actions and strategies of collegiate work
for the conformation of the curriculum contents of each bachelor’s degree program. The results
show that there are positions found among teachers and the CUCSH authorities. The former VÍNCULO ENTRE LA TEORÍA
state that there is little ICT infrastructure, little training in the use of these tools and that the res-
ponsibility for carrying out these implementation processes is the responsibility of the CUCSH
authorities. However —according to the coordinator of the teaching faculty— states that there
are programs and actions that are implemented on a regular basis that endow technological
infrastructure to the institution and to offer training courses for teachers which will allow them
to acquire skills in the use of these technologies. This information is taken into account each
year in the annual report done by the CUCSH rector.
Key words: teacher qualifications, teaching profession, curriculum.
En la actualidad, el docente debe afrontar la influencia que tienen las tecnologías de la informa- EL PENSAMIENTO DEL PROFESOR-INVESTIGADOR.
ción y el conocimiento (TIC) en la actividad que desarrolla dentro y fuera del aula, sobre todo
en lo concerniente a la interacción con los alumnos, así como las actividades que elabora para
conformar los contenidos curriculares de su área. Dada su amplia variedad y potencialidad —a
lo cual se le debe agregar un contexto social que progresivamente las ha ido adoptado como
una alternativa atractiva para la solución de los problemas que aquejan a la sociedad—, las
TIC han provocado que las instituciones de educación superior, principalmente, respondan de
manera pertinente, oportuna y dinámica a este nuevo fenómeno.
Por consiguiente, en este trabajo las TIC se han concebido como una serie de acciones que
pueden contribuir al beneficio del proceso de enseñanza, el cual se debe apoyar en la dispo-
nibilidad de recursos y un proceso de planeación. Este ideal se halla en concordancia con lo
planteado en el plan de desarrollo institucional de la Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), en el
que se fijan los objetivos y las estrategias para la implementación de las TIC. Para conseguir