Page 230 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
P. 230


                             Corruption and impunity in the security sector in Mexico

                                                  Marcos Pablo Moloeznik

                                                      Peace is too important to be entrusted only to armies;
                              the legality is too important for it to be entrusted only to the judicial structure

                                                                               Leocula Orlando (2004:230)

                  This contribution seeks to identify those "bottlenecks" or constraints of a structural nature
                  that  explain,  to  a  large  extent,  corruption  and  impunity  in  the  security  sector  in  Mexico,

                  whose resolution depends, to a large extent, on the rule of law. the social coexistence and the

                  consolidation  of  the  incipient  democracy  in  our  country.  To  this  end,  it  will  be  used  in

                  previous studies and analyzes, understood as security sector, the sum of the following three
                  components:  armed  forces,  police  institutions  and  intelligence  services  (FLACSO  Chile,


                  1. Approach to corruption and impunity

                  *      Professor-Researcher of the Department of Political Studies, University Center of Social Sciences and
                  Humanities  of  the  University  of  Guadalajara  and  National  Researcher  Level  II  of  the  National  System  of
                  Researchers, Mexico. A preliminary version in Spanish language was developed under the title Challenges and
                  remedies  against  corruption  and  impunity  in  the  security  sector  of  Mexico,  for  publication  in  the  collective  work
                  coordinated by Arturo Zárate, "Challenges and remedies against corruption and impunity. in Mexico ", from El
                  Colegio de la Frontera Norte, in press.

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