Page 253 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
P. 253
security and, in particular, to the absence of a clear definition -contents and scope. - of the
interior security category. The sectorial program in matters of national security in force tries
to account for this legal vacuum in the following way: (Executive Branch of the Federation,
2014: 5. Internal Security and Defense)
Internal Security and Public Security are widely interrelated and require a differentiated use
of the power of the State. In the first case, to face risks and threats that violate the
constitutional order and its fundamental institutions; in the second, to ensure the
observance of the rule of law and the security of citizens and their assets.
In other words, internal security is conceived as a political function that, by guaranteeing the
constitutional order and democratic governance, lays the foundations for the economic,
social and cultural development of the country, thus allowing the improvement of the living
conditions of its population; conception that overlaps with national security and generates
confusion but, at the same time, justifies the interference of the armed forces in the
framework of public security.
Furthermore, in the face of this legal gap and the absence of the declaration of a state of
emergency, the armed forces are compelled to act without a mantle of legal protection.
Jorge Carrillo Olea (2015), founding director of CISEN and general (retired), reflects on the
recent request of the Secretary of Defense to have a legal framework to avoid, in the future, a
scenario of accountability of his actions to the Margin of the law: