Page 257 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
P. 257
[...] promoted promotions based on preserves of power and not the personal effort of
officials, and made hiring based on personal recommendations, which caused the morale of
agents and analysts to decline considerably
Nor should it go unnoticed that Medina-Mora serves as head of the Federal Public Security
Secretariat during the questioned police operations of San Salvador Atenco in May 2006, nor
should it be ignored that the Attorney General's Office heads for a large part of the process -
legal, incidentally, as decided by the SCJN- followed by the french citizen Florence Cassez, as
well as during the so-called "Michoacanazo" that leads to the release of all officials accused of
links with organized crime. A judge, especially a judge of the constitutional court, whose
decisions are by definition controversial, depends a lot on the legitimacy that he has when
entering the position. The appointment of a judge whose legitimacy is questioned because it
is vitiated by origin would generate many controversies that will make it more difficult for the
Supreme Court to fulfill its role as a constitutional court. (Narváez Medécigo, 2015)
In a similar way reflects Muller Creel (2015), who emphasizes the opposition of the
candidacy of Medina-Mora by the Association of Federal Judges and Magistrates, as well as in
the loss of confidence in the following institutions during his performance in front from the
According to the Citizen Institute of Studies on Insecurity, the confidence of the citizens
towards the institutions that were related to the attorney Medina Mora went down. The
statistics mention that as far as the Public Ministry is concerned, in 2008 34% of the citizens
trusted little in that institution and another 34% did not have any confidence; for 2009