Page 263 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
P. 263
strategy. The arrest of the "Chapo" did not involve the dismantling of the Sinaloa cartel or
the arrest of the entire network of complicities that allows it to operate as one of the most
influential criminal organizations in the world.
Meanwhile, following an expert in the camorra (Neapolitan mafia) and renowned writer on
the subject: (Saviano, 2015: A14):
At this point it is difficult to imagine a leak like this without significant support from the
prison structure and the police itself. Chapo Guzman is the living proof that still calling the
Mexican cartels "narcos" is an inaccuracy: the Mexican cartels are already a mafia, that is,
structures capable of having rules, hierarchies that do not respond instinctively to
mechanisms of gangsterism ("if you do not pay, you die", "whoever kills stays in the position
of who died"), but they follow codes, economic strategies.
This complexity makes the Mexican cartels mature to define them as mafia organizations.
And there can be no mafia without direct links with politics, with businessmen, with the
judiciary, ties that go beyond simple bribery and corruption.
The mafia can not exist without the link with politics, but in the territories where it
dominates, as in Mexico, there can often be no politics without its support.
[...] Mexico must question itself and find a strategy to combat the mafia that is not only
military, but political and economic. Otherwise, as El Mayo warned, if a capo is dead, the
replacements will be ready to replace it.