Page 264 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
P. 264
Saviano insists on the necessary link between mafia and politics and on the imperative of a
new strategy, overcoming the traditionally reactive through manu militari, whose main effects
are the violation of human rights and the contribution to the increase of violence in those
regions and municipalities where the armed forces intervene.
An example of this is the impunity of those politicians intertwined with drug trafficking, who
have not been, nor probably will be, prosecuted, let alone condemned. Thus, during the
administration of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, there is a contrast between his speech on "war
against drug trafficking" and the non-judicialization of the investigations carried out by
CISEN. Indeed, for a former senior official of the CISEN this only remains on the level of
discursive and official rhetoric, that is, in simulation or fiction. Precisely, the main reason for
his resignation, in mid-2011, rests in what he calls "the absence of judicialization" of the
CISEN files. And it is that, from its privileged position, it obtains access to sensitive
information with indications of links of great number of municipal presidents and governors
with the drug trafficking that, by decision of the then President Calderón, does not reach the
organs of persecution of the crime and, for hen, feeds the impunity of the Mexican political
class (Informante Clave, 2012).
Perhaps this situation responds, on the one hand, to the deficit of leadership that Mexico
suffers and that, in the security sector, usually translates into the delegation of responsibilities
-which are thus diluted- and the weakness of transmission belts between the address and
execution step; and, on the other, in the absence of a true intelligence system, with problems