Page 376 - El État de los derechos humanos en el desarrollo sostenible
P. 376
Countryside: Comprehensive Rural Reform". The Rural Reform includes 3 elements: 1.1
Access and Use. Non-productive land. Land titling. Agricultural frontier and protection of
reserve areas; 1.2. Rural Development Programs with a Territorial-Based Focus
(RDPTF); and 1.3.National plans for Comprehensive Rural Reform. The section 1.3.4
creates a "System for the progressive realization of the right to food". This system is the
fulfillment of the obligation to progressively realize the human right to healthy, nutritional
and appropriate food, with the aim of eradicating hunger and enhancing the availability of,
access to and consumption of sufficient nutritional food. It's based on three axis: food
production, income generation and creation of conditions of well-being. (Gobierno Nacional
de Colombia & Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, 2016).
In the same way, it is expected to create mechanisms for the planning and execution of this
comprehensive agrarian development policy. They are The National Food and Nutrition
Council, the departmental and municipal food and nutrition councils, as well as others with
specific competences and functions to achieve the purpose of the system. The plans are
political chooses that are oriented to the development of a community and to determine the
north of the administrations in food topics in the country. They take form through the
Comprehensive Rural Development Programs with a Territory-based Focus. Their objective is
to achieve a structural transformation of the countryside and of the rural environment so as
to promote an equitable relationship between rural and urban areas. (Gobierno Nacional de
Colombia & Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, 2016). (Gobierno Nacional de
Colombia & Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, 2016)