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La investigación: cuando para resolver un problema, antes hay que crearlo
generar conflicto ni para afectar de forma negativa el clima organizacional.
Palabras clave: clima organizacional, cultura de la legalidad, democracia, individuos, normas jurí-
dicas, organizaciones.
From a descriptive methodology and following a legal hermeutic scheme, this research aimed to
show the impact of the culture of legality on the organizational climate (Chiavenato, 2009) or working
environment (Maish, 2004). This work is focused not only on the person, since the culture of legality
must be the axis of individuals and society. In summary, it can be affirmed that the relationship be-
tween the culture of legality and the organizational climate is obviously necessary, since individuals
in the exercise of their free will obey, respect, ratify and become aware in the observance of legal
norms and they manage to understand their obligations within the organization. In this way, the nor-
ms are not in question, since even if they are not liked by the subjects to whom they are addressed,
they have been validated by an order that guarantees human rights. Also, it should be noted that an
organization that is within the framework of legality will make valid and legitimate decisions in relation
to the best functioning among all the elements that comprise it. In this sense, when workers and the
66 employer know what they should do, there is no reason to generate conflict or to negatively affect the
organizational climate.
Keywords: organizational climate, culture of legality, democracy, individuals, legal norms, organiza-
La precariedad de un estado de derecho ha promovido una indiferencia social e irrespeto de la
norma jurídica, de la autoridad y, por tanto, de las organizaciones. Esto ha sido un factor clave para
la actual crisis mexicana dominada por la corrupción, la impunidad, la simulación y el nepotismo,
factores que no solo han venido a contagiar a las personas de una generalizada desconfianza hacia
la legalidad, sino que también han provocado vicios permanentes e inherentes en el actuar cívico de
los ciudadanos.