Page 158 - Sistemas dinámicos urbanos,innovación y tendencias en la gestión pública
P. 158
The present research aims to determine and analyze the main factors that stimulated the aca-
demic permanence of the students registered during the year 2015 in the Degree in Statistics
and Information Systems (LESI).
The Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), creates the Degree in Statistics and Infor-
mation Systems, Distance Mode, which is the pedagogical and didactic expression of creating
contents according to the social and labor needs to form qualified human resources applying
the statistics with the added value of information systems, capable of facing problems such as:
the theoretical and methodological ignorance to perform statistical analysis, inadequate secto-
ral information systems and independent management, dissociation of the different disciplines
with statistical analysis, decision making without statistical basis.
The methodology used was qualitative and quantitative in character descriptive and for explo-
ratory purposes. The population was integrated by all students enrolled in 2015 in each of the
six semesters that make up the aforementioned Degree. In order to obtain the data and obtain
their opinions, an electronic questionnaire was sent to them in the form of a survey.
The theoretical and conceptual location of the phenomenon of academic permanence, as well
as the consultation of similar investigations, allowed to define the variables used in the ques-
tionnaire, which formed the following factors of student permanence: 1) Academics, 2) perso-
nal, 3) environmental and, 4) social.
Once the necessary information was obtained, an analysis was made for each variable using
descriptive statistics, and it was possible to determine which were the main elements that
strengthened in each student the continuation of their studies.
Finally, a series of recommendations were elaborated that will allow the respective university
coordinations to redesign and improve the intervention processes to achieve student perma-
nence, and in turn facilitate the creation of integral strategies that help to avoid their withdrawal
from virtual classrooms.
Keywords: Analysis, desertion, factors, permanence, retention.
La educación a distancia es una modalidad educativa no escolarizada en la que dos o más
personas, que se encuentran separadas físicamente, llevan a cabo actividades de ense-
ñanza-aprendizaje auxiliadas por una estructura orgánica y estableciendo comunicación a
través de medios tecnológicos.
Por su naturaleza y sus características, esta modalidad ha sido señalada tanto a nivel fede-
ral, en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-2018 y en el Programa Sectorial de Educación
2013-2018, como a nivel estatal, en el Plan Estatal de Desarrollo de Chiapas 2013-2018
y en el Programa Sectorial de Educación 2013-2018, como una herramienta clave para
mejorar los indicadores existentes en materia de cobertura, de inclusión y de equidad en el
acceso a la educación superior.