Page 393 - El État de los derechos humanos en el desarrollo sostenible
P. 393


                  The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations Program are a
                  call to reflection and action. Starting from education, to ending poverty, achieving decent

                  levels of health and well-being, quality of education, policies that promote gender equality by

                  eliminating historical barriers of inequality and discrimination, the care and preservation of

                  the environment with affordable and clean energy, clean water and sanitation are the main
                  challenges of the millennium.

                  Faced with these challenges, the university as a social institution (Murcia, 2006) is requested
                  to continually ask itself about its role. To analyse it at each moment in history, as well as its

                  institutional conviction as mediator of policies for the achievement of decent work, growth

                  economic,  industrial,  innovation  and  infrastructure,  reduction  of  inequalities,  sustainable

                  cities  and  communities,  responsible  production  and  consumption,  climate  action,
                  underwater  life,  life  of  terrestrial  ecosystems,  peace,  justice  and  solid  institutions  and

                  alliances to achieve these objectives.

                  According  to  Ban  Ki-Moon,  Secretary-General  of  the  United  Nations,  education  is  a

                  fundamental  right  and  the  basis  of  progress  for  any  country.  Parents  need  to  be

                  knowledgeable about health and nutrition so they can give their children the childhood they

                  deserve. To be prosperous, countries need skilled and educated workers. The challenges of
                  poverty  eradication,  the  fight  against  climate  change  and  the  achievement  of  a  truly

                  sustainable  development  in  the  coming  decades  mean  that  we  must  act  together.  With

                  collaboration, leadership and successful investments in education we can transform the lives
                  of people, the economies of the countries and our world in general.

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