Page 91 - La investigación en instituciones de educación superior en México
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The study of aspects such as legislation, education and culture within this work part of the
concern to analyze the culture and gender equity in the state of Campeche. The preliminary
results are incipient, they are in the phase of documentary research, but even in this phase they
corroborate that the theory has very little correspondence with the reality that on education of
gender is lived in that culture.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe how culture influences equity and gender
equality and propose a model of humanist intervention that affects the creation of initiatives for
the Congress that benefit culture, education and therefore, equality and gender equity in the
State of Campeche.
In this work, it is also highlighted that the identities of women or men, in the cases studied,
depended more on the ways in which the individuals had been socialized and, on the identifi-
cation, assigned by the parents, than on the biological or hormonal data. Then, the interaction
between culture and gender, is fundamentally based on the social consensus of what should
be considered proper for men and women, even if it is not equitable. With advances in techno-
logy, immediacy and tolerance to “different” today, situations arise that result in a clash in belie-
fs, stereotypes and identifications established in a society, causing controversy Irreconcilable.
It can be said that there is no cohesion and balance of the whole social body. Equity is not a
fact, since each person is not provided with what is rightfully his right.
Keywords: culture, education, equity, gender, legislation.
La problemática de la equidad de género es un tema recurrente en los países emergentes de-
La investigación en instituciones de educación superior en México
bido a las desigualdades sociales, económicas y educativas que se encuentran manifiestas en
dichas culturas. En México, y en específico en el estado de Campeche, a pesar de que existen
los elementos necesarios en los aspectos legales y educativos para garantizar la equidad de
género, continúa el rezago dentro de la sociedad en cuanto al cumplimiento de este objetivo.
Campeche es una entidad vasta en recursos naturales y es un campo de oportunidades para
lograr la realización plena del ser humano. A sabiendas de ello, el principio que adoptó el
Gobierno actual es “crecer en grande”; sin embargo, paradójicamente, en lo que respecta a
equidad y género tal posibilidad no existe. Aún más, la estructura con la que se conforma el
gabinete es evidentemente misógina. Ante la ley todos somos iguales; en la realidad, y por la
71 cultura en la que se encuentran insertos mujeres y hombres capaces, las oportunidades no se
dan de manera equitativa.