Page 96 - La enseñanza de las matemáticas, un reto para los docentes en formación
P. 96


               (Huizinga, 2005) Defines the educational game as voluntary action or occupation, which takes pla-
               ce within certain temporal and spatial limits, according to absolutely obligatory rules, an action that
               has an end in itself and is accompanied by a feeling of tension and joy.

               (Delgado, 2011) says that educational game is one that is proposed to meet a didactic purpose, to
               develop attention, memory, understanding and knowledge.

               The educational game is proposed as a didactic resource that can contribute to the development
               of skills, abilities and competences in the solution of mathematical problems and therefore genera-
               te significant learning in the students in formation of the Normal school.

               Taking as reference the above, educational games were applied for the learning of mathematics
               to 40 students in training of the third semester, (301 and 302) of the Federal Urban Normal School
               “Profr. Rafael Ramírez” from Chilpancingo, Gro, who oscillate between the ages of 18 and 20;
               some of whom during the day work in clothing stores, stationeries, etc., to help the economic
               support of their family and studies, they usually arrive listless at school due to the workday they
               have worked, so it is necessary to implement innovative learning strategies, such as educational
               games to promote interest and motivation for the subject to facilitate the development of logical
               mathematical skills that are reflected in solving problems in the classroom.

               The objective of this article is to check the progress in the level of knowledge of students in tra-
               ining when using educational games, for the learning of mathematics; After its application in the
               classroom it is evident that the games generate significant learning in the students, therefore there
               is progress in the level of learning, then, it helps in the motivation, availability and skills to learn
               mathematical contents.

               Keywords: game, problem solving, strategies, stages of the game, significant learning, mathema-

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