Page 245 - El État de los derechos humanos en las relaciones familiares
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threat to national security, but they do usually overcome police capabilities; what usually
brings breaches to human rights, given that the military man is preparing him to wage war
and not to maintain public order.
Public security
In accordance with the constitutional article 21 (2015), public security is a concurrent
competence or function in charge of the three orders of government:
Public security is a function of the Federation, the Federal District, the States and the
Municipalities, which includes the prevention of crimes; the investigation and persecution to
make it effective, as well as the sanction of the administrative infractions, in the terms of the
law, in the respective competences that this Constitution indicates.
Unlike national and internal securities, the public dimension of security focuses a little more
on the human person, but retains the traditional purpose of maintaining public order that
responds more to a state-centric conception; what follows from article 2 of the General Law
of the National Public Security System (2015), regulation of article 21 of the Magna Carta,
published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 2, 2009, namely:
Public security is a function of the Federation, the Federal District, the States and the
Municipalities, whose purpose is to safeguard the integrity and rights of the people, as well as
to preserve public liberties, order and peace and includes the special and general prevention